Welcome to the Grand Theater
The Grand is a performing arts venue available to businesses, organizations, performing artists, and individuals as a rental for conferences, large group meetings, presentations, fundraisers, and performances.
Technical accommodations are listed below.
Contact Facility Manager Peter Miller at 207-667-5911 or by Email, if you have any questions.
Google SketchUp is a free downloadable program.
Open flames of ANY kind are forbidden as dictated by the State of Maine Statutes.
Other restrictions may apply.
Please see the images below for the complete dimensions of the stage space.
There is a standard rep plot for the stage based on acting areas and side lighting. We are using a modified Stanley Mackanlis plot with a warm and cool side. Due to limited dimmer space they are not separated but paired together warm and cool, one area, one channel. There are two 40 degree Shakespears paired, two baby zooms independently circuited and a 30 degree shakespear on FOH1 for specials. Any more than that will need to be rented from your place of choice. The same goes for cable (stage pin) as we have a very limited supply. We have 3 dimmer racks with a total of 60 2.4K dimmers. The dimmers are an ETC 24 and 12 dimmer sensor pack with a second ETC 24 rack located on the second floor for instruments upstage of the main. Our light board is the ETC Element 60/500 with USB and dual screens. Our house lighting is independent of the board with control points at the light booth and projector booth. We have 1 follow spot in the projector booth that is 1500W but is dim in comparison when full stage light is up due to throw distance. The diagrams provided show the acting areas on the floor as well as a regular light plot. The program used for the plot is LX Free from java.
Our Sound system is split in two, one for film and one for live. We can support up to 5 monitor mixes with our current amplifiers. There are two monitors backstage for those who wish to use them but they will by necessity use up one of the monitor amps from the stage. The board here at the Grand is a Makie Onyx Series 80. It has 32 channels, 8 Group channels, 8 stereo channels and 8 Aux channels. There is a single tray CD player and effects box hooked up to the system with a channel for ipod/computer. The speakers all use Neutrix (Speakon) for their connections.
Our Projector is an NEC Digital Projector model NC3240S-A with a GDC media block. With our Dolby 3D Filter we are able to project 3D films at this time. There is also an HDMI connection on the front of the stage connecting to the projector. This is for the ease of guest speakers and conventions using their own computer on the stage without bringing their own projector. There is a satellite hookup for our “Live at the Met” series and can also do live streaming through the internet for simulcast. There is a blue-ray player for showing films as well. The movie screen for this is a motorized model operated by remote and is non perforated.
If you have any further questions about our facility please contact me and I will respond as soon as I can.
Thank you,
Peter Miller
Technical Director
Grand Theater
165 Main St.
Ellsworth, Me. 04605
Stage Lighting and Technical Specs for The Grand
STAGE LIGHTING SCHEMATIC - Click on the image to view the pdf of our lighting schematic.
Dimmer Schedule - Click on the image to view the Excel of our Dimmer Schedule.
Pipe Schedule - Click on the image to view a larger jpg of our pipe schedule.
STAGE AUDIENCE VIEW - Click on the image to view a larger jpg of the audience view of our stage.
STAGE BIRDS EYE VIEW - Click on the image to view a larger jpg of the birds eye view of our stage.
STAGE DIMENSIONS - Click on the image to view the pdf.
STAGE LIGHTING AREAS - Click on the image to view the pdf.
SkecthUp Files - Click to download the skp and skb files.